irwan jamai's comment on SERBADK. All Comments

irwan jamai
17 Like · Reply
Hi..very good morning Serbadk haters!! How are you today? Haha
Kim Low
Hahhahaha all inside cave now
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Bella Lee
Haha! You hold from what price? XD
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Mohd Anuar
let's goooo
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Dilon Koh
1.7 to 0.4, you still so excited, you have a strong heart
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Light Shine
Next is apply to bursa for 2-3 month extension for annual report due to mco and change of auditor and lawsuit with KPMG.
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irwan jamai
@Bella Lee..still condo!!haha
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Limit Up
at serbadk gate outside run in run out very song..don't be angry and jealous.wakakaka

in out many times Liao..huat$$$
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irwan jamai
@Dilon Koh..i'm still loss..but, i'm happier if i can see Serbadk haters face to face!!haha
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Light Shine
This 'limit down' is a serba hater +lover la. Typical example of the day trader who sit here. When buy good good good, when sell bad bad bad. That's y don't trust anybody here.
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Light Shine
If this company goes down with scib and kpower, it will bring a huge damage to Malaysia reputation internationally and the Middle East companies also will not want to invest in Malaysia. And the negative chain effect.
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Benny Hii
60 minutes show only
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nothing about hate or love.. only honest manager or crooks
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Light Shine, thank you for the opinion.. will tell Zafrul this..
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irwan jamai
Some very happy to look others people loss..i'm at neutral side caused no point we as human can't be a positive mind when all around you have a negatif thinking!! peace and love..haha
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hariani 21
Tdy closing in green clr..
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Henry Stephen
we love money only
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Chin Hui
Drop again! average down! drop again! Average down! Cannot tahan ady, sell all!!
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Henry Stephen
0.20-0.22 coming. prediction always wrong but probablity always right.
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yutaka tong
over optimistically is not 100 percent good. balance
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yutaka tong
epf and director valso selling. suicide game
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Tan Zhi Shan
Up 2 cents also so excited? Hahaha
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YC Lee
early morning when surge up a bit write sarcastic statement and now pretend holy man. haha.....holy shxt man
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Good Fellow
故意剧烈拉升再套一批散户 顺便出票 可悲的有些人还在那边以为自己很厉害
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Jeffrey Chan
lol .. what a joke
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Come on la, dont create toxic environment here. Irwan uses his own money to trade so why we laugh at him? This is his money, he has the rights to decide how to use it. If he earns from this stock, we congrats him and if he loses, we tell him better luck next time
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Jeffrey Chan
we dont hate him. he taunted the readers.. so readers respond
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Kaiba AA
you think neutral Irwan? Don't make us laugh when you are bias towards Serba.
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Henry Stephen
money dont recognise haters or lovers
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now drop again, can buy in cheap price again
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Kaiba AA
by the way this morning rise abit only. Every naive serba fans thinking good news already and became so action. They forgotten in 1month the price drop from 1.60 to 34sen. Rising up to 40sen they also cheer like they won the war. Funny...
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James May
irwan not dare to reply d
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irwan jamai
Haters is always haters! They can smile when people suffering loss! Can't brain what they thinking..very negatif thinking..if can't motivate people, at least don't morale down their hope..peace and love.. ; )
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James Lim
nothing to do with haters vs lovers. the discussion should always have pros and cons for investors to properly consider. see how many people calling for others to go all in...that is dangerous for some people who get influenced by others easily. EPF has stake in the company, most people are affected. if the company is clean and the share go back up, it is good. but for now, people should properly consider the information laid out and reported, not just cherry pick the supposedly good information
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Kaiba AA
with a good heart and brain, you won't ask people to have these kind of uncertainty of hope to a company that is in doubt that can causes losses of money. Best is stay put and observe and wait for the news to settle down only decide to buy in again. It makes no difference than ajaran sesat if keep motivate people to potentially lose money.
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2 Like · 3 years · translate
koyak la ini kaunter...koyak........
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irwan jamai
@Kaiba misunderstood me..i'm not making "buy call", i'm here to contra negatif thinking that let people already inside "condo" disposed their share because of haters like i said, if can't do good, just empathy for people suffering losses enough ready..
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Net Chong
irwan pls delete ur post cuz u look like a joker now hahahahaha... u r laughable jerk and dudgebag now
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Kaiba AA
If you think that i am hater it can't be helped. But I told 3 of my friends to better cut loss first at 63sens when they bought 1.60, now saving them from further loss of additional few hundred thousands. Although is a pain to watch, but money can earn back again when these issue is sorted out. I don't do cheerleader job for a company in doubt, but I sincerely hope Serba can really prove their innocence, or else the damage can't even be reversed.
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irwan jamai
Market always depend on sentiment.."good" or bad kaunter can be created with sentiment..if not, why people still buy counter with negatif earning all year even they know that a "scammer" counter.. This happen with Serba now..
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Jun Wang
Well said @Kaiba AA
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irwan jamai
@Net Chong..if i'm like a child, crying after all not at your side, i'm not commented here.."hati tissue" is not me bro..haha
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Derrick Kang
good afternoon serbak, how are you Irwan?
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Sin Sue
a laughing stock indeed
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Dan. O
irwan, if you are really neutral then you should just keep ur comment to yourself. no?
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Kenji Oon
Stay strong brother irwan jamai stay focus! I pray for you , lord will lead you to the right path . Sometimes need to think out of box , don’t keep staying at the boat that everyone jump, sometimes people all jump for a reason, you should get out of the boat first and keep observe mayb the ship is coming. Peace and love
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Derrick Kang
if the price able to sustain back rise back to 1.6, then only greet us ya ;)
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irwan jamai
@Derrick Kang..i'm still condo! got little bit fresh air after 2 week not enough oxygen..but sure, i'm still spread positive energy here..haha
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irwan jamai
@Kenji Oon..really miss your motivation..i'm can't jump, coz if i jump, my boat at the condo..sure crash and die..haha
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Alfre Hitchhock
and here u thought today is going to be a green day for serbadk
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how your high rise condo view? should be very nice view
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Jacob Loo
Salute to all bravers
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Abdul Halim Abdullah
What goes up will one day come down... And vice versa
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Ahmad Saidul Hadiri
dont get cocky too early.. btw, best of luck.
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hanzi sohai
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may i ask how are you now?
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Lawrence Wong
Salam salam
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hanzi sohai
kepala sakit aduhhhhh
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Luqman Hakim
wait at 25 sen
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Tim Lee Donghye
I think 0.25 is not impossible
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Tim Lee Donghye
Those who chase high today will have sleepless nights
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Allen Loh
0.15 is the bottom
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Tim Lee Donghye
Unpredictable future
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#Midzy .Joon.
0.00 is the free ticket
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Bruise Lee
Not haters but your saviour, if you still don't quit. after one month left with 20% fund.

hope you are fine after this...
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irwan jamai
Welcome..welcome to the condo club! haha
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Kam Hong Yeap
Epf keeps throwing..
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Daniel Tan
nice condo view
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Schuan Khaw
must be cold staying so high condo lol
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Dilon Koh
Morning: How are you all Haters!
After 5: peace and love ya, don’t create toxic environment.

This story tell us future is uncertain lolll
4 Like · 3 years · translate
i GTD que at 0.150 then goreng
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peace & love everyone....
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Yong Hao
Looks like will be cheaper than fintech in future ,
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