James Lim

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Joined Sep 2020


2 years · translate
3 years · translate
not wait for 4.5?
3 years · translate
paper trade account don't have receipt. he can't show you.
3 years · translate
last time I checked, the default language for this platform is English.
3 years · translate
EPF throwing shares without reason? the company is currently in question for various issues, trimming it's holdings is called risk management.
3 years · translate
so you prefer he just give a one liner like you did? hahaha
3 years · translate
UOB not scared kena sued?
3 years · translate
sk 他们刚才超开心是因为有一时刻上到了18%,可是过后跌到只剩3~4%
3 years · translate
nothing to do with haters vs lovers. the discussion should always have pros and cons for investors to properly consider. see how many people calling for others to go all in...that is dangerous for some people who get influenced by others easily. EPF has stake in the company, most people are affected. if the company is clean and the share go back up, it is good. but for now, people should properly consider the information laid out and reported, not just cherry pick the supposedly good information
3 years · translate
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