Dan. O

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Joined Jun 2021


Billy, im curious. how you "see" ?
2 years · translate
lol, someone actually said that serbak qtr drop due to covid and also believe the over 20 qtr result.Yeoh, I dont know how much u have invested in this counter la. But dont spread false news so you can bail out, btw you cant.
2 years · translate
@low yee can elaborate more ? What you mean the movement seems like no fraud account ?
3 years · translate
anyone can tell me why this company's operating exp is more than the revenue?
3 years · translate
irwan, if you are really neutral then you should just keep ur comment to yourself. no?
3 years · translate
@harris so, you are saying KPMG is stupid for bringing out the issue?
3 years · translate
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