Kenji Oon

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Joined Jun 2021


Hahah patut ko yg bagitau aku kuching, bukan ka ko claim ko ni insiders news . Hahaha apelah kuching downsisdom ni
1 year · translate
Insider buat lawak kat sini ka? Lagi kelakar bro hahahha
1 year · translate
Entertain org dgn kebodohan ka haha mmg kelakar hahaha
1 year · translate
Hahah apalah ini kuching downsisdom ni, mau jadi hater tapi x buat homework
1 year · translate
brother hon david , in term of science , yes shit do need to be dispose by our body, thank you , peace and love
2 years · translate
mamamia thank god ,its good to see you brother irwan jamai , how are you? peace and love
2 years · translate
Brother soleh permit sudah updated ka? If not i will help you brother,Peace and love
2 years · translate
MISSING PERSON : name :BON BON SIN , gender :MALE , others : C17, SIR, WARRANT
Been missing for 47days , if anyone spot him please report to nearest police station
2 years · translate
Uncle kee jaga2 sikit duit kwsp nanti habis susah
2 years · translate
Brother Nik mhmd xsalah kalau stalk saya, tapi jangan fitnah , dosa ,ape yg penting? Jauhi ketum dan gum. Salam
2 years · translate
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