Lawrence Low

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Joined Aug 2020


fpi今天超卖可是閉市前公司出公布immediate share buy back。真有意思
1 year · translate
I wanna share some info that I know so far, maybe it is just a small message, hopefully it can help you guys.
I heard from outside news, FPI mother company - Wistron already help FPI to get quite the numbers of new order from China Customer. Hence there is the high possibility for the Asia region sales will able to increase.
Another news: as we know Sony factory located at Seberang Perai area going to shutdown, so Sony have some speaker products will direct outsource to FPI (OEM)
2 years · translate
Senoi Tongkoi, thank you for the advice. I will pay more attention.
2 years · translate
Based on FPI 2020 report, Roland Corporation occupied 36.6% total sales of FPI, and this year forsee it will keep growing.
Indeed the FPI June- August 2021 sale&profit will get impact due to FMCO lock down in Malaysia. but from IR Q3 presentation slides shown Sep-Oct 2021 they already resume run full production.
2 years · translate
Choong Wc you may refer below Link to study Roland Cor.(IR) Q3 Report 2021. FYI IR is one of the FPI main customer, what i know both company have corporation with contract which IR "Rent" factorys from FPI to run their production. From IR Q3 report mentioned,
June-August(Operation restrictions) :
Attendance: 50%
Production: 56%
Sep-Oct(Resume full operations)
Attendance: 100%
Production: 115%
2 years · translate
Good company.
2 years · translate
Q2 report 还没出炉呢。
2 years · translate
没事没事,理解你的心情跟用意。=D 虽然在这里我是用私人账号,可是自己也有经营自己的小频道,所以了解“低调”的处事风格是格外重要。
3 years · translate
Mr.H 你会不会不小心用了私人帐号回复了信息><
3 years · translate
Q2 report gonna release soon. should be within this week!
3 years · translate
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