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Joined Apr 2020


可以。market cap除total share issued等于股价
3 years · translate
Actually I agreed with Yutaka, that’s why i sold all mother and son
3 years · translate
Wow good move! Sharp and accurate
3 years · translate
Zzz you haven’t collect finish? Hahah
3 years · translate
No more show? Haha
3 years · translate
Hahaha no offence but you can buy as much as Syed meh? Crazy rich asian hah
3 years · translate
Wow the management clarified those news are fake, interesting
3 years · translate
Thank you. Not so long though, this Friday, hopefully government open pipe for plantation too, heard they open pipe for healthcare
3 years · translate
Hi Ariffin, any idea when will announce?
3 years · translate
Hopefully budget got good news for cpo too
3 years · translate
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