CK's comment on FGV. All Comments

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If Syed Mokhtar no buy FGV, is it bad news?
Peter Chong
Bad news in the short term。。。。。
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Raymond Chong
Tai chi master here!
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Zzz Zzz
Felda come lo.. Felda pump money
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Hopefully budget got good news for cpo too
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Junaidi Hj Ariffin
have to wait until Felda announce the LLA compensation ..
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Raymond Chong
movie show......
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Hi Ariffin, any idea when will announce?
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Junaidi Hj Ariffin
no idea CK .. mayb we have to wait until Budget 2021 ..
Like · 3 years · translate
Thank you. Not so long though, this Friday, hopefully government open pipe for plantation too, heard they open pipe for healthcare
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Wow the management clarified those news are fake, interesting
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Mohd Shukri Mat Lui
if syed no buy..i worry
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Hahaha no offence but you can buy as much as Syed meh? Crazy rich asian hah
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Zzz Zzz
They just clarifying that any further update will be updated to public. Fgv Indeed received proposal from syed. And yet receive any termination letter from Felda.
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No more show? Haha
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Zzz Zzz
Fgv please drop.. haha then can collect
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Zzz you haven’t collect finish? Hahah
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Zzz Zzz
I sudah sell 1.21.. waiting for good entry price now.
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Wow good move! Sharp and accurate
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Zzz Zzz
I Just got lucky la.. I guess 1.15 is good ep but miss it.. let’s see got any chance to own it again!
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yutaka tong
imagine felda out from fgv and tansri cannot buy fgv. fgv become fish skeleton
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Zzz Zzz
Yutaka.. if that’s the case, Felda have to compensate to fgv right? But it would be still a loss to fgv if Felda out and tansri not buying fgv.
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Actually I agreed with Yutaka, that’s why i sold all mother and son
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yutaka tong
government need to issue bon to help felda pay compensation. money recieved by fgv also need to clear debts. currently up due to cpo price up.
1 Like · 3 years · translate
Zzz Zzz
True.. Thanks for bring up the points! Thought of take the ride of fcpo
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