Keng Onn Chang

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Joined Jul 2023


No matter what, I m Satisfied cos U are really well irritated SH...thanks for stepping on me first...I won't waste time anymore with an idiot like U!!!
9 months · translate
Heyy I leave it all up to you to make fun of yourself here and continue to be a clown giving stupid comments...All Yours Steve Moron...This Platform is all urs now and continue to be childish here cos nobody cares about you...the more U reply ppl wil just think U are stupid and childish...
9 months · translate
U too appreciate it SHH!!!
9 months · translate
Likewise SH!!!
9 months · translate
I wish U well cos ur days are numbered...All the Best Steve Moron!!! wasting my time dealing with a mentally problematic SH...
9 months · translate
heyy Steve SH, Tanjung Rambutan is calling U back now...???
9 months · translate
hey Steve SH, I really hope that U have learned a good lesson here so as not to insult others cos in the end it goes back to U and bring great shame to urself...Happy Trading@
9 months · translate
heyy Steve SH, are U scared of me? it seems that U wanna run away fm me, go around the bush here spinning around...U will be missed anyway...Enjoy ur stay there tsk tsk tsk
9 months · translate
so dun forget to buy Mkland yea cos I give higher Target price of 0.80 for you alone this time...enjoy ur time there n happy trading LOL
9 months · translate
inside there also got bursa trading online...???
9 months · translate
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