Keng Onn Chang's comment on MKLAND. All Comments

Keng Onn Chang
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strong rebound to 0.25 today...tommorow confirm Skyrocket Liao...
steve ryan
sky shoot ur ass lah... everyday BS.... you bought a lot right?
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Keng Onn Chang
Yea enuf quantity to slap ur ur face and kick ur ass...
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open defecation
wow, you big player but to others is just Mickey mouse
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Keng Onn Chang
Just buy b4 it Skyrockets in the near term...U won't go wrong by acquiring at this cheap price!
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Keng Onn Chang
then dun buy nobody ask u to buy...just sell yea and keep it bloody mouth shut
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steve ryan
lol so thats ur real intention!
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steve ryan
i buy or no buy is non of ur business
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steve ryan
i advise u dont everyday come come bark n give useless info
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William Gui
selling popcorn for movie
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Keng Onn Chang
haha so I bark here also non of ur bloody business yea...not happy just get LOST!!!
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steve ryan
i enjoy listening you woff woff everyday. wont get lost lah lol
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Keng Onn Chang
haha I m here to stay to make sure u are irritated...just enjoy it!
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steve ryan
no bark yet from you?? tsk tsk....
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steve ryan
yesterday you said strong rebound. how about today?? market crash???? lol
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William Gui
fight fight! pls buy my popcorn
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Keng Onn Chang
wait lahh patient a bit SH
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steve ryan
pls lah, yesterday up 0.01 u said strong rebound and today drop 0.01 u said nothing. who r the SH here?
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steve ryan
don't always shake shake cxxk and shiock sendiri lah
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Keng Onn Chang
I can really see U are irritated cos U can't buy at low price...really pity u SH...really Sissy and pitiful PK
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open defecation
can you guys stop spamming. We're here to get stock information only.
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Keng Onn Chang
anyway we are here to share investment ideas, not for you to bitch ard due to personal irritation...
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steve ryan
I can really see U are irritated cos U can't sell at high price...really pity u SH...really Sissy and pitiful PK..... tsk tsk
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steve ryan
@open defection, ok, i will keep quiet
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steve ryan
i dont see how u share investment idea except bs about price fly hi hi and higher, if u share, share the fact, else just bs
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Keng Onn Chang
vice versa...Same goes to you SH!!! tks tks hahaha
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steve ryan
well, at least i never share something that i dont know. not like SH like YOU
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Keng Onn Chang
just get lost one likes U here!!! finally U are well irritated LoL
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Keng Onn Chang
I won't waste time dealing with a toxic being like U...Anyway I wish U well no matter what...Still not happy then cry inside a closed door yea...
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Keng Onn Chang
don't bark at other if U don't make money, just concentrate on the market and not bitching final advice to u SH
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Keng Onn Chang
Happy Investing May Mkland bring Good News to all investors here now that it has well diversified into Renewable augurs well for its share price moving fwd...
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William Gui
fight fight pls continue this free entertainment
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Keng Onn Chang
my intention is to let others know that Mkland is undervalued that soon price will catch up with fundamental...not to pick a fight here...I myself is a long term investor not a trader...When MK prospers in the future all of us will enjoy the benefits...if U accuse me creating baseless info here, then I will not stand back...All of us are here to invest wisely, not to bark at others...
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William Gui
Steve Ryan where u?? faster come out reply
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open defecation
@steven ryan. Appreciate your maturity and keep quiet. Not good for Feng Shui. Happy investing all
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Keng Onn Chang
Happy Investing May Mkland be prosperous one fine day rising above 0.30 in the near term
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steve ryan
tsk tsk tsk some SH coward so scare and blocked me from comment. lol. anyway u just go continue your sales talk with empty fact lah, invest invest in MKland!! majulah MKland!! i have better things to do lol
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Keng Onn Chang
hahaha a PK and SH like YOU should just go to HELL and Rot in peace yea...won't waste time with a toxic waste like U...
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steve ryan
when did i said keng ong chan are SH?? tsk tsk tsk u ownself admitted u r SH, dont blame me...
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steve ryan
dinner time, come! lets enjoy dinner happy happy : )
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Keng Onn Chang
I haven't seen such a childish toxic being like you...Sorry to say that...tsk tsk tsk LOL
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steve ryan
keongann Chang u r the person who self declare as SH.... tsk tsk tsk.... So you want us to call you SH Chang next time? lol
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Keng Onn Chang
shut up lahh moron...Everybody knows U are a Bloody SH here...U are really a retarded clown here...tsk tsk tsk LOL
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Keng Onn Chang
go shiokkk urself Boy...dun fool urself here anymore...
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Keng Onn Chang
Steve Moron...Good night! Sweet Dream yea@hehe
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steve ryan
everyone knows u r self declared SH ... tsk tsk.... dont like tat lah, we all know u stupid but not until the SH level yet... hahaha
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steve ryan
good morning SH CHang!! wish u have a wonderful weekend ahead!
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Keng Onn Chang
Good Morning Steve Moron!!...Likewise!
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steve ryan
no rocket today? tsk tsk
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William Gui
selling popcorn for drama continue
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steve ryan
Happy Investing May Mkland be prosperous one fine day rising above 0.30 in the near term (from K.O. chang)..... whom MIA now.... you will be missed!!
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steve ryan
KO chang! when MKland can fly???
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steve ryan
no reply from u since sunday. where u hiding???
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steve ryan
or u finished dumping ur share on hand and pocket the earning?? tsk tsk tsk.....
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William Gui
ko chang faster reply la ur bff finding u. oi
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William Gui
yes my 22c is kambing
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steve ryan
KO chang will chop his kkb if drop till 22c, he said 0.30 at least
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William Gui
30c I sell my popcorn biz
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Keng Onn Chang
SH and PK like him is only making fun of himself...replying to a moron like him will only make urself cheap and childish...Steve Moron is forever great moron here acting like a small retarded child...tsk tsk may U rot in peace yea!
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Keng Onn Chang
Steve Moron are U really that moron? if U have nothing else better to do, I suggest that u seek psychiatrist to treat ur mental problem and not making fun of urself here...U really look stupid to all of us here!!!
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Keng Onn Chang
I really wonder whether moron like you can really make money in the Stock Market...Steve Moron pls wake up yeahh!!! Stop acting like a clown here ppl wil only laugh at you PK!
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Keng Onn Chang
I really want all of you to take note of this mentally retarded crazy SH ask him to seek treatment ASAP!!!
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William Gui
he deleted his comments liao lo
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steve ryan
tsk tsk tsk KO Chang hiding for so long now only dare to reply.. pls lah, dont pull every one down lah, only you SH enough to make big talk and shiock sendiri... only coward like you not ready to accept different voice, good luck in your trading lol
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steve ryan
SZ i never deleted my commemt, if my comment were missing, then somebody did...
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Keng Onn Chang
Pls dun waste time on this mentally disorder SH yea...He created so much rubbish here insulting others...just leave him alone let him make fun of himself sendiri shiokkk...Wat a great shame!!!
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Keng Onn Chang
Heyy Steve SH, U shouldn't even be here on this platform, U should go back to where U belong...Tanjung Rambutan!! I hope U recover soon dun forget to take ur medicine on time yea
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Keng Onn Chang
inside there also got bursa trading online...???
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Keng Onn Chang
so dun forget to buy Mkland yea cos I give higher Target price of 0.80 for you alone this time...enjoy ur time there n happy trading LOL
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steve ryan
tsk tsk KO change u must be a pity loner and no one else is response to you.... i have better things to do, enjoy ur weekend, may the MKland really shine gollnngo high high to 0.80!! huat!!!!
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steve ryan
no reply from you last few days, no wifi in tanjung rambutan?
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Keng Onn Chang
heyy Steve SH, are U scared of me? it seems that U wanna run away fm me, go around the bush here spinning around...U will be missed anyway...Enjoy ur stay there tsk tsk tsk
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Keng Onn Chang
hey Steve SH, I really hope that U have learned a good lesson here so as not to insult others cos in the end it goes back to U and bring great shame to urself...Happy Trading@
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steve ryan
lol u r the one who bring shame to your own. tsk tsk.... advise to you, dont ownself shiock sendiri and blaming others for because of different view than urs. and don't simply feed in info and asking others to buy while u start to dump, others are not blind
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Keng Onn Chang
heyy Steve SH, Tanjung Rambutan is calling U back now...???
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steve ryan
nah, they asking me where is the SH Chang... the SH escaped from home
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Keng Onn Chang
I wish U well cos ur days are numbered...All the Best Steve Moron!!! wasting my time dealing with a mentally problematic SH...
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William Gui
wow u both still ongoing kah? I'm gonna unsubscribe my astro liao cos here more interesting
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William Gui
it's weekend take off n enjoy. can start back on Monday ok?
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steve ryan
of course everyones days are numbered! you live forever??!! u die someday too, SH!!! waste my time to reply such a SH comment
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Keng Onn Chang
Likewise SH!!!
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steve ryan
your weekend are numbered. appreciate it!!! SH!!!!!!
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Keng Onn Chang
U too appreciate it SHH!!!
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Keng Onn Chang
Heyy I leave it all up to you to make fun of yourself here and continue to be a clown giving stupid comments...All Yours Steve Moron...This Platform is all urs now and continue to be childish here cos nobody cares about you...the more U reply ppl wil just think U are stupid and childish...
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Keng Onn Chang
No matter what, I m Satisfied cos U are really well irritated SH...thanks for stepping on me first...I won't waste time anymore with an idiot like U!!!
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steve ryan
likewise SH Chang lol
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William Gui
wa wa still got drama but my popcorn sold out liao. wait I restock
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William Gui
u both make up and kiss alrdy?
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steve ryan
paikia u dump ur stock!!?? dump before 0.30??!? how dare you??!!!
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William Gui
I like Steve Rogers
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steve ryan
MKland will not break 0.30 because of you.... LOL
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William Gui
yes correct. today ur gf will sleep with me too BECAUSE of me also. :)
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steve ryan
lol. 0.30 is the holy grail for someone and you mess it up XD... you should fell ashame lol
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William Gui
u miss keng on chan so much until u think is me isit? or u both kiss n make up liao?
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steve ryan
why? u want to kiss us?
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William Gui
on Chang like u la not me
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William Gui
keng on Chang where u
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