Samantha Chan's comment on HIBISCS. All Comments

Samantha Chan
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why you guys all so panic? don't panic sell hisbisc is a very good company
Bryan Ang
I still holding Samantha 1.28 watching them panic sell this 2 days..
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Daniel Chin
hahaha many people panic sell , even oil price above 100usd is very profitable
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Ya topgloves also a good company haha
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Naoki Maeda
Top glove is because of pandemic..... Hibiscus is because of necessity.....
Oil prices spike up from war for PDTs..... Production increase is for long term.....
It's ok if u disagree ken
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Derrek Tan
yeah ken, topglove is good company, even pandemic is oven and glove demand decreased, one thing can confirm is condom demand will still maintain ya.
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dae dae
U must know that the oil price must be constant All the time
The past upcoming trend is just because of the war
The need of the oil is extremely high
1 Like · 2 years · translate
nazr zach
There is one Dato. Whenever his name pops up, I knew he must have bought 1mil Hibiscs shares. For the past 2 weeks, he bought 2x already. He has increased his stockholding to 8%. Its good to know we are making the right choice. His name is Dato' Dr. Michael Tang. Whoever bought Hibiscs shares recently, pls hang on there. We are coming to you.
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nazr zach
Let's recap what we learn today.
Like any other day in Hibiscs, today's opening was with gap down. It wasn't 1 or 2sen gap down, but its enough to make others on edge.
Hibiscs price dropped further in a matter of minutes and convinced others to believe there was a major sell down despite; from overnight news
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
nazr zach
0. No catastrophic event/piracy activities on any Hibiscs oilfields or platform or oil tanker
1. Brent Oil stayed above USD85boe
2. Ukraine - Russian conflicts show situation worsened with number of death is increasing.
3. US & UK import 8% & 10% crude oil from Russia hardly dent Crude oil price.
4. EU fail to agree collectively to sanction Russia crude oil. Poland import 67% oil from Rusia
5. Russia warn Germany that they will cut off gas supply from Nord Stream1
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2 Like · 2 years · translate
nazr zach
6. No additional increase in crude oil supply from Mideast
7. US dollar remains at current rate
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nazr zach
8. Shale Oil. US wont able to replace crude supplies from Russia in 2022, it would take many months for America’s shale oil patch to effect the necessary boost to its output.
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9. Talk so much still drop 5% as of now
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tighten up ur seatbelt!
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Derrek Tan
it's time to sell car, sell motor, sell house and buy oil. Hehe...
1 Like · 2 years · translate
uncle aunty faster all in push lo hehe
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Too glove also a good company. Jtiasa also a good company
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nazr zach
Today, at the end of evening session, I got it on tape. Buying to Selling pressure = 3:1
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Naoki Maeda
Hey nazr.... U posted a footage of urself over speed hahaha
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nazr zach
shhhh........... my wife will kill me if she saw the video
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Crude 102 hahhahaha
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Naoki Maeda
Hehehe... Gave a 1st like on thay footage... Hope u didn't get ticket for that hahaha
1 Like · 2 years · translate
Crude 100 omg ……
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China lock down to reduce demand
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nazr zach
Today's Opening snapshots uploaded for your study. Please give your attention to the first 6 seconds.
Prior market opens, there is a period what we called After Hours Trading. Traders often placed their orders at this time. Trading may not be liquid but this orders will determine what is the day opening price.
You can prevent a gap down by placing your order on price the same as previous closing price.
Click link below for your future reference.
Hope this helps.
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nazr zach
those with bad intent can also view our snapshot. pls be careful.
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Dan Danne
nobody can press the price down, except fund institution and foreign investment fund manager
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nazr zach
thats something i need to look at tonight. but its so obvious. Hibiscs were under pressure from above and below with high volumes on both sides.
but after 4PM, those big volumes disappear. It seems like there is a syndicate. Like a bookie.
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‘Prevent a gap down by placing the order price same as previous closing price’
This is wrong. It still depend the sell
Example today close 1.02, tomorrow you q 10 lots at 1.02, someone sell 15 lots at 1.01, the price will open at 1.01
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nazr zach
who says its wrong? where do you learn that is wrong? market is free of choice. we place our order and its market to decide, dickhead.
come and see me if you have balls
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Jeslyn Chin
Pls don't sell don't panic, hibicuit will limit up, good company
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Lol, self write something wrong and scold people. Dick head betul
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John Konek
wah "hibicuit" will limit up oh someone saying. genting is open already ya, want gambling can go there. don't see TA later become big fish punya food
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Mie Zar
will follow Dnex fate?
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nazr zach013
No I dont think so. Short sellers are supposed to be smart ppl. You should see a movie title the big short. recently, a few group of people suspect Lordtown EV manufacturer tried to fool the market by hiding cancel orders. just by looking at their financial statement. They saw something was not right. so they short. and they were right. Here, ppl simply short. clearly they are not that bright.
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nazr zach013
Bear is something else all together. Bear uses the knee to think instead of their brain. Instead of waiting price to go down, earning nothing at all, might as well make money all you can.
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nazr zach013
We have several initiates in hand to give hibiscs some push. You can join us or you can wait and do nothing.
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nazr zach013
Hibiscs has potential. Look closely at their business plan. They already have everything figured out. They split their risks by purchasing assets in several countries. They know what future oil prices are going to be. They look at potential hotspots. And do risk assessments. And the best part of all is, they beef up their investment when our world economy at the lowest amid covid19. Not many companies like that. Hibiscs is one of the few. Precious.
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nazr zach
Copy and Paste this link below. It will lead you to OPEC World Oil demand vs Oil Production [Excel file]
There is also Maybank IB analyst report which can help you aware factors that might affect Hibiscs. w/ comments

No matter what happens, don't let go your stocks until FY 22 Ends.
I wish you all the best.
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1 Like · 2 years · translate
No wrong to sell it. Take profit will never be a mistake!! Sell it before you regret… Don’t chase high!
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nazr zach
Selling is easy. Building something needs a lot of work and a strong will. Hibiscs has 400+ employees. 24% of them women. These men and women need to take survival test e.g get out from a overturn heli in a pool while strapped b4 you can permit to work 24/7 on offshore platforms which no one like. It can be as hot as 50degC or as cold as -28. You will value more when you know hibiscs.
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Chee shung Khoo
Selling n buying r relative. Selling is hard relatively when it comes to cut loss. Selling is easy relatively when it is cut win. No need to try so hard to promote a stock. A stock will flourish in its own time
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John Konek
can apply job in hibiscus already, nazr
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Daniel Chin
thankful got nazr keep updating here
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nazr zach
World short of crude oil as many as 30mil barrels amid Ukraine-Russia conflict. Now, this shortage will become even worst in days to come. CPC, Caspian Pipeline Consortium suspended oil loading at its Black Sea marine terminal due to storm-caused damage to the equipment. The repair will take two months adding that oil deliveries from the terminal to Italy, France, the US and Spain will drop by 3 - 5 times. FYI.
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Dan Danne
I believe America Govt will not sit and look at the WTi oil keep going up, it could worsen their economy and trigger uncontrolable inflation rate
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Daniel Chin
If they can settle down the price , they will settle it alrd, till now America everything is inflation , their government find all this issue by banning China,Russia
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Dan Danne
Crude oil price keep going up, will messing up FED plan to raise the interest rate, later the stock crash is near to come
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Dan Danne
Everything is possible in American mindset, they wil bring down the inflation rate, only the matter of what percentage
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