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Joined Mar 2017


别人怎么说不重要,投资是个人的,是孤独的,不必理会别人的批评,也不必在Klse screener灌水。最重要的是,三千哥还在Inari。加油Silverpond!
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股市无绝对 人谁无过 知错能改 纠正方向 再赚不难… 加油Silverpond!
2 days · translate
你确定Broadcom-ByteDance JV会去找Inari制造5nm AI chip?
4 days · translate
“Inari新客户 bytedance and open ai, 其他小的不说,我们只说大的. 你们不懂吗?”
这是三千哥告诉你的吗?还是你瞎说,请你不要把软件公司和硬件公司混在一起吹… 因为这是欺骗,Scam!
4 days · translate
Company already announced previously going to SBB 10% of its shares. But cannot buy too quick, need pull and push technique to buy cheaper.
1 week · translate
1 week · translate
AI&data center theme will drive up two separate trends, one is hardware trend, another one is software trend. Hardware will always come in first waves and software will then come as second waves.
We already seen a long bullish in hardware trend such as construction, utilities and semicon related stocks. But we haven’t see bullish long enough in software trend, which involved in ICT, data security & management, AI application, etc. Cloudpoint will continue pick up a long bullish as second waves spotted in Software trend.
2 weeks · translate
Deepfake fraud and detection will be the next trend that have not yet booming now. It will require a lot more enterprise data management to secure client company interests. Krono is still the sleeping giant (黑马).
2 weeks · translate
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