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that is one way to do so, 金融科技. Just that MPI is not an income stock from yield perspective; historically if you will. It will be a bonus if it drops to the extend that yield rises to 3%. Its off the peak in 2022 from growth perspective, and lets see what happens after the two new factories are ready - cash and capacity is king.
importantly is not to rush it. Manage your own liquidity and observe how the performance develops over time; particularly due to local headwinds of higher min wage salary and electricity tariffs coupled with supply chain/diversion impact from trade wars. capex wise looking really good 2QFY25 is almost the same as total investment in FY24.
@yeow wei ///hugsss... me still holding at 26, 5 units ... if drop to 16... paper loss RM50 .. biggest loss in portfolio so far :((( waiting to average down
I also want hugs, mfr. I have included it my watchlist when it started going below 27 and bought a small position when it started going near 19. and will add small position every quarter.
Thanks, mfr. Will do so unless the board decides to go slow; slow down the on-going expansions if you will. They have cash and they have mfg capacities; will be able to withstand cyclical shock comfortably.
Manage your own liquidity well and need not rush it, Yeow Wei. MPI will be around for a long time :) Well, as long as its R&D and product portfolios continue to evolve over time such as from Si to SiC to GaN technology for its power electronics/power mgmt product portfolio.
There is also positive development closer to Malaysia, Jessie :) Its Infineon Kulim - world largest 200mm SiC fab :) MPI/Carsem SiC expertise and manufacturing capabilities/capacities :)