Yong Teck Ying

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Joined Mar 2023


AFAIK Systech, a Chinese company, partners with Pinetop, a Malay company, which can get government projects easier + EHIS which supply the equipment, definitely got chance to rocket
2 weeks · translate
All time high on the way
1 month · translate
0.315 average price for me
1 month · translate
Boss non-stop collect maybe result is even better
1 month · translate
When share buyback?
1 month · translate
Fly time? RCN approved & 0.25 soon
1 month · translate
50 sen soon, to the MOON!!!
3 months · translate
CGB can fly after AGM
3 months · translate
This is just the first step, Systech gonna involve more in AI...
4 months · translate
Boss collected more this week & QR is coming... follow boss buy!
4 months · translate
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