Muhamad syawaludin Abu samah

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Joined Jan 2023


siapa sangkut sini kita geng..kasi like kalo korang sangkut haha
8 months · translate
ya bang razif..duit peram...10tahun xpa..yg penting buy low kahkah..jgan company delisted ja..yg tu pening
8 months · translate
today peoples panic...relax...pelahan2 collect..penny stock maa..maybe lagi dua bulan bru jalan haha
8 months · translate
retailer have to sell in order to the price to go up..and chase higher..that's how the stock market works haha
8 months · translate
kne relax trade penny..time merah kne accumulate..x boleh kejar harga..kalo x mati kita haha
8 months · translate
thank u operator..give me chance to buy today in red..semalam sudah terlepas mau beli
8 months · translate
pergh..semalam teknikal da cantik...harini US stock lg cun ini mcm..klse stock, x de org nk push..
1 year · translate
are u ready peeps...ready to jannah...
1 year · translate
ready to go holland hahaha
1 year · translate
are u ready peepssss
1 year · translate
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