Nurhafiza Mohamad

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Joined May 2022


nak conso 10/5...korang jual habis ke?
2 months · translate
still got hope ke? got the white knight?
5 months · translate
pp at what price?
10 months · translate
ada ke yg stuck kat 0.75 lagi? mngkin semua dah CL.
1 year · translate
rileks...flushing until 0.25 first..
1 year · translate
lol...just buy buy buy and buy..
1 year · translate
tue next salute..hahaha
1 year · translate
you sold it at oversold area lol..
1 year · translate
pick me at 70 sen first
1 year · translate
CL..before its go further down
1 year · translate
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