Jeffrey Chan

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Joined Nov 2021


likely foreign selling. last week more than 500M+ and have slowed down to 100M+ .. broad selling across most stocks. bargain hunting time. what goes down will eventually go up again
4 weeks · translate
broad selling in all sectors, only banks did well.. likely due to foreign selling. at return above 7% no need to panic so fast.. as long as DY high.. you still got time. price is just a number unless you day trade
4 weeks · translate
you know that majority of fellas in Bursa are speculators and gamblers right? be confident in your own judgement when u invest. dun ask the care bears here - they are not your friends but trolls. Warren Buffet advise all to invest in companies not the stock. ask yourself who owns the most stock? the Yeoh family? Ask if they will panic first or you panic first when share price hits rock bottom. these are old dogs in the business. they run first before anyone here. so my advise is open eyes and see what the Yeoh family does. Peace
1 month · translate
did you read the Kenanga report carefully? raise funds for data center. UK project borrow on their own from UK banks. please don't simply tembak. ty
1 month · translate
The drop in price could be attributed to the fear that MY exports might be hit with US sanctions after US elections
4 months · translate
bought at 9.80 while closing was 9.83. since self DRP, my cost is only 9.49 for the stocks. already up 9.54 already untung 5 sen. then the dividend will be reinvested and reduce my costs further thereby reducing average price further
1 year · translate
how can proce drop ex date for a.strong stock? while not impossible but highly unlikely. in MBB case,, OPR got chance to go up in future will be optimistic for all bank stocks
1 year · translate
@The Rock, am tempted to top up some more.
1 year · translate
I hear you bro. but do remember that they might also issue more shares either by subscription or bonus issue to dilute and bring the share price down as in the past similar like PBB to reward shareholders
1 year · translate
hopeful of 1.70 which is more likely. doubt it will go 2.00
1 year · translate
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