Jeff Joo

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Joined Aug 2021


Why u break your support?! Go back to 2 u bxtch
2 years · translate
Sell on news again
2 years · translate
0.68 another support, let’s see if it can rebound or not
2 years · translate
Every time got good news u sure drop
2 years · translate
连个止跌都没有就不要妄想limit up了 这种跌法跌下来接下来会盘整一段时间才可能有机会上 毕竟被套的人不少
2 years · translate
已经割一轮了 这么快又炒一轮吗 哈哈
2 years · translate
0.95应该会有很强的支撑 没想到试了两天还是破了 尾盘站回去的话还会回来看看
2 years · translate
这么利的刀你敢接算你强 哈哈
2 years · translate
Those waiting for Monday split shares gonna have a bad weekend
2 years · translate
Kevin Lee Buy more?How much u lose ady hahaha?
2 years · translate
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