hor ck

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Joined Jun 2017


Some is coming... Be ready!
1 week · translate
based in gens and last qtr performance...sure is super good!!!
4 months · translate
CNY near by...some people push down as more profictable and reasonable to push up for all CNY angpow
5 months · translate
oh...last mimutes volume transaction ....be ready to fry up !!!!
2 years · translate
The volume indication shown another round price up is coming....be ready !
2 years · translate
why again have people pay money convert warrant C with RM0.17 ?. WHY NO BUY DIRECT MONTHER WITH MORE CHEAPER PRICE ?
2 years · translate
told already...have war to accumulate more mother VC share to controll company !
2 years · translate
i also dont understand ?
any can explain ?
2 years · translate
mother is cheaper than warrant...why want purchase warrant ?
2 years · translate
1st do convertion WC into mother by 0.17, then accumulative mother share at open market....3rd, wait for 1Nov special EGM to vote....
target price at least 0.17 and above....should be 0.20+....
2 years · translate
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