SE Yap

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Joined Mar 2021


Why profit so high but revenue only 20m , sell something ? property /land?
1 year · translate
harga saham tak blh naik , I rasa ialah sebab syarikat tak bagi "Dividen"
1 year · translate
whole yr profit 15m. but , still not willing to issue dividen. 1.5cts only 6.7m
2 years · translate
but, why YT still can propose issue new share at rm0.50 cent. ? if after consolidate market price become rm0.30, who want to buy rm0.50 cent. new share
2 years · translate
请问一下,今天的股价是否已经扣掉了7.7 仙的 股息 ?
2 years · translate
YA 2021 , last day, make a wish !!! hopefully, PBB will issue dividen on March 2022
2 years · translate
起那1.5 cents , 有人就开始卖,。可悲。怎样会上。。
2 years · translate
When can pay 20c dividends is more important.
2 years · translate
up 1 day only... drop many many day...
2 years · translate
虽然7.5 仙蛮让人感到失望,但是pbb这一年给的股息都算是还好啦。有 4.85%,好过放FD。
2 years · translate
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