Chong Chon Wai

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Fame: 29
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Joined Feb 2021


Sorry bro, my bad. Look at the wrong article
2 weeks · translate
Just wake up and post 2022 news?
2 weeks · translate
Ok, good QR.. What next for retail investor? No benefit/dividends?
1 month · translate
Going PN17 soon?
5 months · translate
Anyone buying my limited edition old underwear? I placed my entire wealth in.
5 months · translate
Why institutional fund kept on disposing LHI tickets?
6 months · translate
What happened to this counter? Keep on dropping despite having good QR
7 months · translate
Regret to say only RM8
7 months · translate
Coco Cola & Basket Robbins Israelis new products?
7 months · translate
Qtr report nothing to read. Red all the way since last yr
8 months · translate
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