Max Dave

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Joined Jan 2021


x143 times
11 months · translate
U can check yr bank status if u got the share partially. If u dont get a full refund, then u get some of the share. It will appear 1 day before listing or u can dwload bursa anywhere.
1 year · translate
Small chances.. but hopefully we got some share.
1 year · translate
Im using alliance bank just rm 1 handling fee
1 year · translate
Same as radium before. Too many adv but 1st day listing hmmm… scary. Haha
1 year · translate
Why i read too many word “Essence, Essence, Essence….”? Haha
1 year · translate
U can try check at Look for balloting results. Or u can dwload bursa anywhere to check if u got the ipo or not. U can also check tmorrow morning before market open it will appear at yr portfolio.
1 year · translate
Usually the day listing. U can check by 8am before the stock market open. But u can dwload bursa anywhere to cnfirm if u get the ipo
1 year · translate
On the listing day before 9am.
1 year · translate
Congrats to u
1 year · translate
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