md zu

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Joined Jan 2021


Director sell also price not going down. They also not dare to sell much. They will buyback soon, happens many times around 50 & 80 sen. U just wait n see.
2 months · translate
Steady. No seller below 1.00. Hold. Tech stock is the future.
2 months · translate
TP half at 1.02
2 months · translate
Where is it going? Should i sell now or wait?
2 months · translate
Sudah masuk lama. Tapi nail laju sgt. cepat nail cepat turun nnti.
2 months · translate
tak rilex cloudpoint ni. laju2 nk pegi mana. penat nnti. slow2 sudah
2 months · translate
dah break 75. nice. boleh rilex dah. yg beli awal boleh simpan terus
4 months · translate
the chart sideways now, taking a break. chill
10 months · translate
p/e just 23. long way to go. wait till p/e 60+. investor, just chill and relax. benchmark is spf
12 months · translate
sorry this comment meant for cloudpoint.
12 months · translate
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