Ming Jeet Khoo

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Joined Jan 2021


Yes...confirm. There are meeting today, something will coming
1 year · translate
Hahaha....he don't know how to read the financial statement
2 years · translate
Impairment loss 也能转去 impairment gain,只是一些 paper accounting 操作。
2 years · translate
2 years · translate
3 years · translate
很难会去到0.4啦。如果真的去到0.4,大股东就会中margin call,试问大股东舍得拿出票来填仓吗
3 years · translate
it's depend the pp taker is who. Refer to Dnex stock, this company right now doing 30% pp and rumours said Foxconn is the pp taker. So you can see coming week this stock movement
3 years · translate
really....really something.....
3 years · translate
已经出announcement了, confirm 27/5 9am开市
3 years · translate
Read closely ESOS T&C la....ESOS share cannot dispose in open market within a year. So if boss want to sell the share need to wait until next year
3 years · translate
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