Juinleong Lam

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Joined Apr 2017


kenapa bro..umno punya stock ke?
3 years · translate
ya..seem coming..
3 years · translate
monday see will break anot..queue seem ok friday..if mo day continue..got chance up 10%
3 years · translate
chill...no rush...wait 1 year
3 years · translate
hehe..investor at price of 0.081..now 0.095...ok geh..
3 years · translate
pp finally 0.081..chill..
3 years · translate
esos is 0.0575 for tis time..but pretty close to 6 sen..
3 years · translate
esos wait done listing den hope for the show
3 years · translate
private placement done, right done, esos done..so...peace..patient n wait ba..
3 years · translate
true..selagi buy up momentum more den sell down momentom, juz hold n wait ba..
3 years · translate
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