Hasyim Saparai

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Joined Nov 2020


dengar boleh, percaya jangan. apa2 hal pun, jual beli saham dgn ilmu.
3 months · translate
keep going natgate. holding u since IPO for long term ;)
6 months · translate
Bought when it was oversold, and no bad news to justify the drop. Manage to average it at 0.755

thanks for all the info here...
11 months · translate
lucky got small tickets. MBB
11 months · translate
Reputable property developer yes. But listing at the current market condition with this big number of share won't give u any advantage.

And interest rates are going up again. read the news bro...
1 year · translate
thanks Jesse. still keeping 150lots from IPO
1 year · translate
Penang mega project news just out
3 years · translate
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