Bruce Wayne

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Fame: 522

Joined Nov 2020


set 10 to 20% of your investment portfolio into it and wait. that's it.
11 months · translate
when Digital Payment begin charging % transactions. $$ future = profit.
11 months · translate
the Short Seller all GGWP
1 year · translate
it will Drop to at least 0.12
1 year · translate
why still buy thier tickets.
1 year · translate
If the cancer found early and Kimo GaoGao...Can a Potential Best company in Asia by Forbes be saved ?? Revenue (so much potential)... sad...sad...sad..
1 year · translate
KWSP short the market because they lost so much already. they will be back when MyEg drop to 0.4
1 year · translate
Walao. people like u should be known as Crap. talk crap ... simply tall and speculate . wow. malulah
1 year · translate
Company 5,000mil shares Heavy to move
1 year · translate
Weirdest move by KWSP , Bought so many shares ; I am sure they knew about this news before any of us. still buys in and made some ppl rich. Now Sharp Drop. KWSP also k.O . Do u think it's a Trap ?
1 year · translate
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