YH Chen

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Joined Oct 2020


REITs consideration and a few highway projects to be finalised by this year.
20 hours · translate
What’s the TP ? RM1 ?
2 days · translate
Come on stay at 0.88 and then break 0.90
6 days · translate
Hope it will move up more. Held this shares for 7-8 years. Wanted to sell off when break even.
1 week · translate
They have good reasons. Just moved to main board. Need to consolidate the accounts.
1 week · translate
Is it a good time to top up some PBB ? I’ve have been holding the shares since 3 years ago. Doesn’t have any profits if sell now. But earn 4-5% dividend yearly. Will treat it as FD shares. Looks like every year after the ex dividend date, the shares will go down. Happening for the past few years.
1 week · translate
Can always apply for extension.
1 week · translate
I held MahSing for 5 years already and sold all last week. Collected the profits and wait for new price adjustments.
1 week · translate
DCs have been in Malaysia for almost 20 years. Not sure what the hype is about. By the way, DC is not making huge profits due to tight competitions and price cutting.
1 week · translate
Data Centre is a good investment, provided all goes well. If not will be like last time, invest in gloves and then gloves market crashed.
3 weeks · translate
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