Loh YY

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Fame: 122
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Joined Sep 2020


4 weeks · translate
When is the right issue?
1 month · translate
when is the right issue date
2 months · translate
RM1.03 I’m waiting!
2 months · translate
Wa what happened man?!
2 months · translate
这样看来应该可以keep着毕竟我也keep了几年啊 不知道会不会有dividend呢
2 months · translate
Tp 多少啊?你们觉得可以去到多少呢?可以回到当年的2.50 那里吗
2 months · translate
Ehhhh what happened to this counter? Anyone can tell?
8 months · translate
Tp is how much u think?
1 year · translate
What’s your entry price Eric?
2 years · translate
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