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Joined Aug 2020


Relationship between gloves and vaccines. A lot of people accused gloves stocks benefits are one off during pandemic, don't you people think the vaccines are one off too, if human need 1 or 2 doses to generate life antibody or protection from covid virus ? By world population of 7.3b, and 2 dosses each, the vaccine companies are benefited from mere 15b of doses which may take more than 5 years to immune every one, means most at 3b a year, shared by at least 5 vaccine companies.
3 years · translate
Annual EPs 23.31, div 11.83, distribution 50% not enough ?
4 years · translate
大老板是不是在暗示 QR 有 1.4b profit, by buying back number of shares 1.4 mil and 14 mil
4 years · translate
I estimate the margin will be 14% to 15% for Q2, Q3 & Q4 much much higher. Fye2020 EPS around 55scents, my guess...
4 years · translate
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