Abdul khalil

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Joined Jul 2020


Yada yada hi dharmasya glaanirbhavati bhaarataa......makan roti canai Dan paratha....kuah campur.....Abhyutthaanam adharmasya tadaatmaanam srijaamyaham.....terima la takdir mu disini pada hari ini....
1 month · translate
why sudden all COVID counter rising up?
4 months · translate
no hope since they announce rugi 80juta
9 months · translate
this counter no hope already
1 year · translate
how people think this stock will limit up ...tak Ade la it will be penny down and down again
2 years · translate
mcm Tu ke boleh goreng2 how about anak serbadk serba-wa bole all in ke sifu?
2 years · translate
after announce lugi 400m ...still safest ke ayyo...
2 years · translate
serbadk got renew contract wit Petronas tak fly ke?
2 years · translate
keputusan rumdingan buntu gold cecah 2003 sekarang .tp biasa la ini stock tk kemana esok
2 years · translate
perang ni Ukraine Russia minister meting result akan beri kesan rasanya
2 years · translate
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