Khoo Ne Bing

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Joined Jul 2020


Dear all, my comment was made 162 days ago. If you check back the history around155 days ago, you will know what I mean. the share went up quite some percentage. And if you didn't sell it at high, then too bad...
3 years · translate
Yes. If you want to enjoy the dividend, you need to buy it today :)
4 years · translate
很有可能只是因为contra 到期了被逼卖。上个星期一,二用contra 买的人很多。
上个星期三,五 contra 用户开始卖都能够保在RM4.18。相信今天后,就没有contra 卖的情况了。加上最近公司大笔地卖地扩建,这意味着生意非常的好。短期的话,相信接下来的几天会起回。
看长期也不错,背后有全世界数一数二的 Ansell 作为他们的后山。

4 years · translate
I have bought in the share.
I think the contra accounts had finished force selling off their share.
The next few days will be a uptrend :)
4 years · translate
If this controversial is rejected by WHO, this agreement will also be cancelled.
Besides, even if the vaccine got approved, the vaccine production only begins in the second half of year 2021.
4 years · translate
Tower 1, floor 20. Only two floor higher :)
4 years · translate
If a share go up even though there isn't any news, you know that this is a good sign :)
4 years · translate
With palm oil prices so high now and it's going higher somemore, buying this stock at RM0.30 is such a good deal.

Guys, better grab it before it grows.
4 years · translate
US to pay Pfizer, BioNTech US$1.95b for millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses.
4 years · translate
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