Aice Ying Ying

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Joined Jul 2020


Ng Wai Chong, do management mention in the AGM about the prospect in the second half of this year and next year? Can share the info?
1 year · translate
heard say they just drop this stock from their list. their member is selling hence the big drop
2 years · translate
PE 32 still expensive considering the qr results is down. Nx quarter results might get better but still from now till nx qr results, the selldown might continue. I think the reasonable pe with margin of safety would be in the range of 20 to 25.
2 years · translate
Eforce qr better than this N2N eventhough N2N has taken more market share compare to Eforce. Tomorrow price continue to drop.
2 years · translate
a lot of group already ask member to sell
2 years · translate
This ia mca related stock. Political counter will always hv risk come election.
2 years · translate
a few group actually. one of them is GS
2 years · translate
the group that call buy this counter already sold and left. short term no incoming fund flow to push already.
2 years · translate
must be wuchang. he call buy recently
2 years · translate
U must be not following up the news. SBI already sold all their share to Hundsun.
2 years · translate
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