Teong Hin Koid

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Joined Jun 2020


gamuda is a good shares keep on buying low step by step accumulating is the best policy
2 days · translate
gamuda shares is overplayed n small investors can buy even now dont sell becos the shares is now considered dirt cheap n any up n push down play is actually left hand rt hand play becos who wants to sell at present unless urgent cases the big fish should not be given any chance to buy cheaper than this
1 week · translate
this is the lophole in klse rules allowing short selling. if only the real owner can sell their shares n if company directors shares cannot sell their company holding all these sharp drop wont happen at all. this is malaysia boleh at the expense if general public. so you see can malsysia can become advanced country?
1 week · translate
the big fish is now collecting back the shares mostly around rm 4.30 n below after sell short on borrowed shares from the past few days making tons of money from the convenience of borrowed shares of the slf fish bastard
1 week · translate
where are the shares shot sales from the main player come from? small invwstors dont sell at a big loss. the ones most probably lend out by company directors who are all out to kill the company reputation very dirty cunning bastard
1 week · translate
not much can buyback from open market only left hand rt hand play
3 weeks · translate
dont get panic this is to frighten you to sell play diff game buying down n earn high divedend
1 month · translate
good time to release fd money to buy up hibiscus n keep long like fd never regret
1 month · translate
monkey game is still on when to finish only the boss decide not you or me
1 month · translate
hibiscus is playing to kickout you small retailers by buyback on pushing down method no chance 4u to gain so very hard to predict upside nor downside everything is not under the normal market play this is a very unique way of shares behaviors in malaysia market even the epf nor fund managers dare not put under their asset portfolio no way can be chosen as composite index counter though the company is making huge profit
1 month · translate
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