erzwan othman

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Joined Jun 2020


Alfre Hitchhock, do u really know the story behind this? is that "Jagoh Kompang" really asking u guys to buy the share? He already highlighted that do not buy the shares as it will be delisted. He just want the bussiness. Right now he ia fighting to get his right. Police report has beend lodged. He dont mind if this company is delisted from bursa. He just want the bussiness.
2 years · translate
Ahmad Izhar, boleh explain game dia yang awak baca tu..share sikit..
3 years · translate
Cosec xnak announce lagi
3 years · translate
not yet burn as not annouced yet to be delisted by bursa
3 years · translate
company dh appeal by 28/5 bro..bursa still reviewing it..bursa akan inform if appeal rejected or not
3 years · translate
belum delisted lg masih suspended..kan company tgh appeal belum kira burn lagi
3 years · translate
what to do..hmm
4 years · translate
hari ni keluar qr report kn
4 years · translate
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