Andre Kua

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Joined Jun 2020



Insas is in finance sector for decades... for sure they knew how to do their accounting... not like your godly Karim
2 years · translate
So fast? I think I'll hold for a while... maybe 1.50
2 years · translate
Wow...been holding for 7 years
2 years · translate
Dream too early la...
3 years · translate
Insas PER is fake.
3 years · translate
Insas where got bonus issue one, LoL. Just keep and wait WC 50-60c.
3 years · translate
If got open also curi2...
3 years · translate
That is only applied on steel manufacturers. I'm in steel too and no, we haven't managed to get approvals from miti. Many would claims they are essential and supplying constructions and glove makers subcontractors, but I don't see how we are essentials.
3 years · translate
Yesterday kena notice of closure due to non essential industry.
3 years · translate
I think it could be because of close down due to covid.
3 years · translate
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