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Joined Jun 2020


just 1 year ago, less than rm1.. no one said cheap.
1 month · translate
water fish water fish all being caught
1 month · translate
.35 is coming. Maybank Investment target price is .35
3 months · translate
Loss amount is larger than revenue.. gila lor
4 months · translate
sz zxferrr,drc,u iid
11 months · translate
with 14m profit, distributed by huge volume of shares. I think risk is high
1 year · translate
number of rigs are fixed, and contracted according to fixed rate per day.
1 year · translate
Geely EV is coming
1 year · translate
if dividend could return to 9cts like year2015, 16
1 year · translate
at 5cts, ur break even cost is 44 cts mothershare. But then again WA is a gamble on hope. And investors are gambling on future hope the mothershare will go beyond their break even cost.
1 year · translate
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