Jeffrey Loh

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Joined May 2020


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2 years · translate
0.19 sen cepat kasi jual
2 years · translate
Die straight straight haha
3 years · translate
This Alex MIA already. He is suffering...
3 years · translate
Esok sampai kubur nnt lol
3 years · translate
Hari2 fikir mcm tu, mati lah
3 years · translate
March say wait June, June say wait eat mooncake, after eat moon cake will say wait cny hahaha
3 years · translate
U really see ghost say ghost good, see God say God good. Speechless my goodness
3 years · translate
Ignore him la. We all know he kakikong kakisong one haha
3 years · translate
Best timing to get con. Welcome to donate your money
3 years · translate
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