Ahmad Farhan Mohd Kezam

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Joined Apr 2020


If u are from construction sector, then u will know that demand for cable and electric pole exceed supply for time being
2 months · translate
I think the sum judgement sufficient to pay creditors
3 months · translate
Chen kai voon is cofounder and substantial sh of genetec. Clearly stated
2 years · translate
It is contract cost. Actual cost might be higher with land acquisition etc. Nice one, waiting for another big project to come next year hopefully
2 years · translate
Renewable enery..mostly probably solar.. Coming 12th Malaysia Plan, it is among the priority
2 years · translate
Let it fly tomorrow
2 years · translate
Matters of time for Cansino Nasal Covid 19 Spray to be available n hopefully Solutn will reap the benefit
2 years · translate
Shake off before fly next week
2 years · translate
Cansino will be used for remote area since it only requires 1 jab
2 years · translate
Conversion of warrant. Need to wait until completed
3 years · translate
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