Allan Tan

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Joined Apr 2020


Maybe but why it collapse the moment there is a slight downwards of price, if it ain't directly affected. Are u saying, the last Year 19c is bigger than this years?
3 years · translate
Stop saying that if that so, why it waterfall without reasons when Brent price going down. Manipulation is a daylight robbery. Shame.
3 years · translate
Come in as middle long term and held for one year plus. And even with so many contracts on hands, and the three folds of oil price increments, this counter is still manipulated. Really a joke.
3 years · translate
No wonder no foreign funds willing to come in. Outvestment. Who wanna come in this stupid heavily manipulated market. All Joke, malaysia.
3 years · translate
散户个个million 票。庄家哪里可能会推~
3 years · translate
Purposely written off impairment. Surprise earning next quarter?
3 years · translate
Bagus sekali. Harap harap tidaklah ditekan lagi oleh sesiapa. Biarkanlah velesto pulih.
3 years · translate
Ya lah. So slow make real progress . Always ding dong. Just give rebate a bit for new apps installers la...... Baru 5000 people install.
3 years · translate
Jb is a big market. Lambo too slow later what also no left.
3 years · translate
上到5 c 就开始买进做长远投资。 乖乖啊lambo, 乖乖啊
3 years · translate
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