Muhammad Taib

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Joined Feb 2020


Betul, geram tgok. tapi sbb premium value dia still tinggi yg dia lmbt follow mak dia
3 years · translate
QR looking very good. Let's hope market won't disappoint
3 years · translate
mak dah 14 patut anak dah 9 haihh
3 years · translate
still holding strong
3 years · translate
follow rapat sikit lah anak mak
3 years · translate
giving me a headache
3 years · translate
qr cantik, boleh lah push 0.3
3 years · translate
Come on QR, come out faster. Give catalyst to push
3 years · translate
counter berat, shares issued besar
3 years · translate
pls don't be false hope :')
3 years · translate
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