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Joined Feb 2020


i will buy more tomorrow
4 years · translate
k1 become k9
4 years · translate
不是没有人卖, 是买的票远远大过卖的票。 市场买的是未来,不是过去。尤其很明显的知道封国期间股市交易是多么活跃。 还有这间公司net cash 很美。 基本面和未来merger and aquisition 的前景也很美。 再来就是有可能借用japan sbi 母公司的科技,发展未来的block chain. 你问elon musk and mark zuckerberg 他们都认为block chain 就是未来。黄天顺也是这样讲过。
4 years · translate
next day from a not so great qr, market direction in morning i think buying power quite strong. thats a sign that they digested the past and hope for the future
4 years · translate
good news. market is buying up the q2 q3 and future of n2n. everyone seems to know q2 will be the game changer
4 years · translate
oil price has doubled from bottom of 17 to 33 now. and keep on rising these few days. no wonder the legendary investor - cold eye looks good in this stock
4 years · translate
i think it wont able to perform at least 2 quarters considering oil will just go lower
4 years · translate
4 years · translate
leader harta is leading other glove counter on an uptrend for medium term
4 years · translate
nice one topglove.
4 years · translate
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