weng kuin yeong

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Joined Jan 2020


I sold all too early
1 year · translate
Just buy n sell lor, make some pocket money, market fluctuation
2 years · translate
Tomorrow consolidation
2 years · translate
Yyyyyyyy yyyy
2 years · translate
When? Thought is on 20th dec?
2 years · translate
It shot up from 0.9 to 10, now back to normal only
2 years · translate
股息派了后(Ex date 后)就会在隔天股价减掉,对吗?
3 years · translate
SG, 明白, 谢谢。但是SinYL 说的和你不一样的
3 years · translate
如果没买4.5粒以上(4500unit),就不能拿dividend share了?
3 years · translate
manipulating stock, move base on news, not QR.
3 years · translate
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