Boba Twins

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Joined Nov 2019


currently 5 digital license left 8 company only and PUC is the one. with 2 state govt and genting support. i think chance for Puc is big. more than 70%
2 years · translate
Puc must get ebanking licence one. if not why genting buy their pp?
2 years · translate
cant imagine if the auditor do not reply client 59days. this already not professional...
3 years · translate
very good profit. better than expect
3 years · translate
ingin tahu org tulis apa tekan translate saja, kena hormati kebebasan semua org
3 years · translate
因为疫情不能来工作的外劳也要付他们酬劳 有没有搞错?
3 years · translate
应该给所有外劳住别墅 每星期做三小时 再送美女给他们
3 years · translate
must below 10c one
3 years · translate
start drop futher
3 years · translate
today big volume build up. operator collect?
3 years · translate
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