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Fame: 62
“Trend is ur friend, just follow the trend not follow your friend.” BUY LOW SELL HIGH !!!!

Joined Oct 2019


4/9/23 Nice closing, 1st tp0.405-0.410 probably
10 months · translate
3 years · translate
3 years · translate
不要玩叻盆友差不多出现double top 咯,还double btm ??
3 years · translate
Limit down??突然心里有点平衡了,每天都看你们limitup, 我都怀疑人生了,呵呵
3 years · translate
大鳄已在顶部套利了一部分,现在就慢慢打压下来,好让散户割肉给回它,等收够了,大鳄就会再次拉高,同时也会把剩余的票出掉。所以还会有一波反弹上回去 ,要是这一波没能突破之前的高。到时候你们panlai panlai啦
3 years · translate
Yes, this counter is better than teoseng when compared it on june, the trend is up ,and teoseong is downtrend, of course will choose the uptrend stock. But for now, lhi is turning weak, if it can break 0.89-.0.9 and sustain on it, then it will hv a chance to move higher.
3 years · translate
3 years · translate
I don't know, hv to wait closing price first,if closing is above 245, then there is a chance for tmrw to hit 26
3 years · translate
11/8/20 This counter is gonna moving up soon, now the price is at 0.23, support at 0.22-0.21, it will move higher once it break 0.245. Buy low sell high.
3 years · translate
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