Kai Shien Ooi

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Joined May 2013


谁告诉你0.3? 有tool, app, website 给你 check, 为什么还要问人
Yesterday · translate
yeah yeah yeah
Yesterday · translate
当然没有,今天ex date 股价扣了便宜还给你股息,哪里有logic
2 weeks · translate
3.81 是还没扣dividend, 3.74 是扣dividend 后,所以扣了隔天就会显示变成3.74/3.75
3 weeks · translate
有啊,昨天 closing是3.81, 今天就3.75
3 weeks · translate
auditor, 不买tguan了吗?你的心头股
1 month · translate
yea limit down, crash and close shop
1 month · translate
yes i think so since they had changed to quarterly dividend payout. so august will announce
1 month · translate
derrick 你加吗还是 砍了
4 months · translate
我也是被pbb 拒绝贷款, mbb批给我后,pbb自己再打来问我还要吗,我踩他都傻
4 months · translate
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