Heng Loon

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Joined Dec 2018


unker, what is your TP
2 years · translate
short term borrowing should be ok as it still has cash and proceed from PP. but will be affected for their borrowings as rating being downgraded.
3 years · translate
bon, there is a clause pn17 state on adverse opinion by auditor. however it is still pending investigation whether fraud or not.
3 years · translate
question prolly whether SB will trigger pn17 clause and sustain its liabilities obligations ?
3 years · translate
please see their annual report
3 years · translate
macpie is waiting to assplode
3 years · translate
return of macpie
3 years · translate
smart but 1 lot is not worth it as incur charges
3 years · translate
yea. ady bottom
3 years · translate
not worth it. after console, 6 rights issue at consolidated price.
3 years · translate
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