Bryan A

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Joined Sep 2018


ok slap my face. results out haahaha
1 week · translate
26/6 AGM, should be release tomorrow.
1 week · translate
blinkblink again, 156, please become blink 182 :D
1 week · translate
rich ppl need cash also. sell and liquidate bilis like us. lel
1 week · translate
blink an eye, its 1.55 now. daymmm
1 month · translate
most likely will have asset enhancement activity after tookover the building. reengage of existing and potential tenants. lets see how it goes
1 month · translate
Google search sunway reit kwasa keyword you can find the answer
1 month · translate
ringgit is in bad shape now. i believe what astro need is better homemade content and government be serious and strong stance on piracy. Olympic wont change anything.
3 months · translate
if so, i'd suggest 散戶to dump it all as well
3 months · translate
散戶根本沒有這能力量繼續丟,只有大基金。 只有恐慌拋售散戶才能發揮最大作用
3 months · translate
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