tan weiking

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Joined Jul 2018


Bodoh.. Average down la.. Ask ppl cl for what.. Unless he sailang lo
3 years · translate
Lim ur such a good people.. Go here and there to remind people to sell their stock.. 活神仙!
3 years · translate
Hello pulis
3 years · translate
谢谢神探加持.. 想和你开一支拉菲庆祝
3 years · translate
R u serious
3 years · translate
健康回调完毕.. 买到0.475的要开始赚钱了
3 years · translate
3 years · translate
Buy at 0.77.. Huhu tambah Teh tarik ice extra manis Mlm ni
3 years · translate
Those who panic selling 1 hour ago gonna cry loud..
3 years · translate
X abis lgi... Strong support at the mid
3 years · translate
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