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Joined Jan 2018


Today onward got hope for you all
1 month · translate
well done HAPSENG, steadily climb up day by day.
1 month · translate
Let the market decide which way of direction to go
2 months · translate
你有买吗? 老板! 。。。
2 months · translate
First Support at RM0.645 good luck
2 months · translate
Why so worry? Who care?
2 months · translate
yes, let's see.... movement slowly turn to weak from 12/04... expect big Shots throwing crazily.
2 months · translate
Boikot je la, takyah sibuk sibuk bg cadangan business direction kt org
2 months · translate
Not yet receive on Rakuten account
6 months · translate
给他掉到0最好 哈哈吹水厉害??
6 months · translate
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