Jonathan Goh

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Joined Nov 2017


Based on their bonus history, they always give out every 3 years. Last bonus announcement was 4 years ago. The current price is way too expensive and will face liquidity issues.
4 days · translate
Why the sudden movement? I dont see any fundamental change
1 month · translate
Billy. Things are looking good!
3 months · translate
IMHO my initial principal investing in ytl reit was exposure to foreign hotels so I believe that has not changed as I personally feel uneasy investing in local reits with the countless shopping malls and empty office units.

Tldr I will keep invested in ytl reit for foreign reit exposure
5 months · translate
Wow the covid pandemic really hit them hard that we need to see a decreased income for the next 7 years?
5 months · translate
Best record but the share price doesn't move much.
5 months · translate
And this is what's holding me back from investing too much into ytl reit. Zero clue if they plan to pare down the debts anytime soon.
5 months · translate
The debts are eating at the profits. Not sure I'm comfortable with it.
5 months · translate
Would they be able to pay the loans? Provided there's no more covid like pandemic. I'm sure they will be able to settle all debts
6 months · translate
Thank you for the education
6 months · translate
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